Academics » English Language Development Program (ELD)

English Language Development Program (ELD)

Our Program 

Hiawatha Academies’ English Language Development program supports multilingual learners in developing English skills needed to succeed in academics and social contexts. English language teachers specifically provide language instruction at the elementary, middle school, and high school levels. Hiawatha includes specific classes and in-class support focused on helping students gain proficiency in learning the English skills needed to excel in key areas of academics like math, science, social studies, and English. 

Our Vision

Hiawatha Academies is committed to providing robust linguistic support for all our scholars. We make sure we:

  1. Collaborate and communicate with families
  2. Provide targeted English language development services for multilingual scholars at various levels of learning
  3. Regularly provide professional development for our teachers and staff 
  4. Celebrate our students' unique culture and linguistic heritage  


Language Access Plan/Support

What is ACCESS Testing?
Federal and state legislation requires an annual English language proficiency assessment test for all English Language Learner (ELL) students called WIDA ACCESS. This assessment measures language proficiency in the areas of listening, speaking, reading, and writing. This assessment provides scores based on a 1-6 scale. ELD teachers who are trained in ACCESS administration will administer the assessment at each grade level.

Why should my child take the test? What will we learn from the results?
The results of this assessment are used to: 

  1. Determine language supports needed for each student
  2. Determine overall proficiency level of each student
  3. Measure growth over time
  4. Determine continuation or exit from Hiawatha’s ELD program
  5. Inform our instructional practices and development

Exit Criteria - Does my child need continued ELD support?
The need for continued support for a student is based on their ACCESS score, and also on an individual basis depending on other criteria affecting their learning and advancement. The exit criteria for ACCESS is a score of 4.5 or higher with three out the four domains higher than a 3.5.

Communication of Exit Criteria and Procedures
You will be notified about your student’s program status each year by mail and in-classroom conferences. This will be communicated in your preferred language. 

Language Instruction Education Plan
To learn more about our ELD program and programming for multilingual learners, please view our network’s Language Instructional Education Plan (LIEP).

As 53% of our students are identified as English Language Learners, our program is designed to provide them with the English Language support they need to excel at Hiawatha Academies and in society. We make sure that all our students have the same opportunity and capability to become successful independent learners.


Program Contacts

For questions regarding your scholar’s services, please contact your child’s ELD teacher or the ELD Manager via ParentSquare

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